Tuesday 31 July 2012

Emily Harrison - Innovaid, and Preeti Mehta from the South Jaipur Rotary Club, having met to discuss the proposed Mewsic Bus program, an initiative of Brett Lee's Mewsic India Foundation.

Wednesday 25 July 2012

A visit to Dharavi Mewsic Centre

Intern Nazia Khan with students from the Dharavi Mewsic Centre.
Emily Harrison - Innovaid, with students
from Dharavi Mewsic Centre

Learning to strum a guitar at Dharavi Mewsic Centre

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Who is the Mewsic India Foundation?

The Mewsic India Foundation was started in 2011, an initiative of Australian cricketer Brett Lee. Under the guidance of Innovaid Advisory Services Pvt Ltd, the Mewsic India Foundation aims to see every child experience and benefit from the joy and power of music.

“I hope to see music become a widely recognized and powerful tool to heal, empower, educate and advocate for marginalized children across India. These kids see so much and from such a young age…. I would love to be able to give back just a little bit of their childhood”. Says Brett Lee.

With fully functional centres in Mankurd, Govandi, Dharavi, Lucknow, Surat and Hyderabad, the Mewsic India Foundation continues to expand its presence through new initiatives, including; the Music Therapy Academy, Mewsic Bus, Drumbeats & Rural Musicians Program.

In just eight months the confidence and esteem of the 500+ students participating in the programs has grown exponentially. The classrooms once filled with shy, timid kids just busting to leave, are now home to vibrant, sociable youths, intent on their practice - interacting, participating and enjoying the curriculum and classroom activities. They laugh, and learn openly – communicating freely and confident in their growing abilities as musicians, singers, songwriters and dancers.

Music can offer these kids so much more than just an avenue to song and dance, it has a transformative role to play in establishing valuable life skills – teamwork, co-operation, discipline, communication, fine motor skills, boosting confidence and self-esteem - skills transferrable to life, to family,to the workplace.

To find out more about the Mewsic India Foundation visit www.mewsic.in.