Tuesday 18 June 2013

Lions Heart

Mewsic’s CEO, Emily Harrison was invited to speak on the ‘power of music’ at the recent Lions All India Schooling in Jaipur.

With over 250 Lion’s International District Governors from across the breadth and depth of India, the schooling provided a wonderful platform to showcase the work of the Foundation and appeal to District Governors to support bring the work of Music to the children of their districts.

“It was amazing to meet so many like-minded people in one location” said Emily, who spent 2 days interacting with the delegates and discussing the expansion of Mewsic into new cities and locations across India. “The enthusiasm of Lions for giving back to society is impressive.” She said.

“Lion’s leaders were excited by our work and about the prospect of working with Brett Lee, and are very open to the innovative concept of using music to heal, educate and empower – something that is a unique concept in many parts of the country.”

Lions International is the world’s largest service club organization with over 46,000 clubs and 1.35 million members across the world. Lions members do whatever is needed to help their local communities and are dedicated to social service in a volunteer capacity.

“We are excited about the prospect of joining hands with such an impressive organization that spans India and reaches the grassroots so effectively.” Emily said.

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