Thursday 16 October 2014

Our Brand New Jaipur Bus

The Mewsic Bus program was recently inaugurated in Jaipur, Rajasthan all thanks to Rotary Club of Castlehill and Rotary Club of Jaipur South. The program commenced operations in September, creating such a buzz that on the very first day that the bus arrived in the communities to conduct classes; children were lining up eagerly awaiting to enroll in the music classes. Rajasthan has a rich tradition of folk music and dance, and the people native to that region have a deep appreciation of Music. This program will ignite a spark in the children to learn music, and help channelize their energies constructively.

The Mewsic Bus is a customized vehicle, furnished to house a mobile Mewsic Center, equipped with Guitars, Keyboard, Harmonium and Electric Tabla (Indian percussion instrument), and opens out into a mini stage for performances .The Bus travels to four slum communities within Jaipur during the week as per a fixed timetable, built around the children’s school schedules. The program consists of two tutors on board, to teach singing, music and dance, in both Indian and western styles. The Mewsic tutors are recruited not on the basis of their musical skills and qualifications, but also for their leadership abilities knowing that they serve as role models for the children.

The focus is to provide music and dance tuitions to teach the very basic techniques but as this program is taken forward, changes will be made in exploring ways of incorporating an innovative curriculum, using music as a tool to teach the children number concepts, simple ways to memorize multiplication tables, healthy habits and values.

It is only because of the generous support of Rotary Club of Castlehill and Rotary Club of Jaipur south that these children have received a very valuable opportunity to enhance their lives and helped launch this program in Jaipur

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