Monday 25 February 2013

All Aboard the Mewsic Bus!


The children of Azadpur slum in the far north west of Delhi are not regulars at school.  In fact they spend their days rag picking, begging, doing odd jobs and playing gully cricket. Opportunities for learning are few and far between, beyond the lessons of life that they receive on a daily basis.

But all that is about to change. Mewsic India Foundation in partnership with Deepalaya (Delhi’s largest Education NGO) will soon be rolling into town (literally) to bring Music and Education into the lives of these kids, in a fun and interactive way.

Welcome to the Mewsic Bus – a unique and innovative program with an aim to deliver non formal education (numeracy and literacy), through the medium of Music!  This mobile classroom is fully decked out with books, instruments and learning aids and stops in 6 different communities to deliver a daily dose of music and learning.

‘The bus is designed to act as a bridge – getting kids out of work and into school.’ Said Mr Matthew, CEO of Deepalaya.  ‘The non formal education gives them a taste of learning and provides them with the literacy and numeracy basics, the music engages and attracts them to come regularly to the bus. It is a perfect marriage.’ He said.

As part of the program a combination of classes are taught both inside and outside the bus. Musical games, songs and tuitions are provided on one hand, and more formal classes are provided in tandem – catering to different learning styles, different levels of learning and ensuring that children remain engaged in the program.  The long term objective is that each child is mainstreamed into school.

‘We’ve designed an innovative curriculum using a combination of teachers and musicians, to underpin the program and ensure that lessons meet curriculum guidelines, and are also relevant in terms of musicality, song choice and age group,’ said Emily Harrison, CEO Mewsic India Foundation.  ‘The music making ensures kids have fun whilst learning – in fact they don’t even know they are learning because they are enjoying themselves so much.  This is a giant leap away from the traditional rote learning system present in so many schools.’

The Mewsic Bus is a flagship initiative of Mewsic India Foundation, established by Australian Fast Bowler Brett Lee, and will hit the streets of Delhi in March 2013 and Jaipur in June 2013. 

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