Monday 4 March 2013

'Music to Heal' - Dance Therapy

The American Dance Therapy Association defines Dance/Movement Therapy as "the psychotherapeutic use of movement as a process which furthers the emotional, cognitive, physical and social integration of the individual." And after my empirical experience using Dance Therapy with deaf and mentally challenged children at Corp India’s Shalom Center in Dharavi, I can firmly say, Dance Therapy can heal pain. 

At the beginning of the session children showed considerable hesitation. As the therapy session progressed, there was a noticeable change in mood and comfort levels, with participants beginning to engage in the activities. Professional USA dance therapist Ms. Mayuri Bhandari facilitated the day, by leading a group-session that used techniques associated with Indian folk dance movements. 

Comprehensive research indicates extensive benefits from continuous physical movement, ranging from physical stamina as well as mental stability. Significant improvements in confidence was a notable benefit for the children at the Methodist Church Center, as suggested through gestures and postures indicating positive emotional expression.

Experiences so far confirm the strong potential that Dance Therapy holds as a new area in Mewsic’s broader ‘Music to Heal’ approach.

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