Sunday 31 March 2013

Datta Shelar - An Upcoming Keyboard Sensation.

11-year-old Datta Sehlar was born and raised in Dharavi, India’s biggest slum area located in Mumbai. Not unlike any other boy his age, Datta regularly bunked school to search for fun and laughter down the slum’s narrow alleyways.

When Datta was introduced to the Dharavi Mewsic Centre he was very shy to engage in the learning and fun that Mewsic staff were encouraging through lessons in music, song and dance. Today, he is one of Dharavi’s brightest, most talented musicians and intends to run his own music teaching class one day!

Datta’s music teacher, Mr Pravin Patel, has witnessed the transformation, “Through his music lessons Datta is also learning many transferable life skills, including self-discipline, study skills, confidence, focus and concentration, enhanced teamwork and communication.”

Today, Datta fills much of his spare time with keyboard practice- even in the morning before leaving for school. There is nothing he loves more than to play the keyboard in presence of his parents and neighbours – who listen in awe of the small boy, his keyboard and his joy.

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