Friday 5 April 2013

Devesh Gadkar - Scaling New Heights

For Devesh Gadkar, playing the keyboard is stepping into a different world. A world with infinite possibilities to explore and new heights to scale – one key at a time.

Devesh’s life outside this wonderful world of music is stark and grim. Coming from the “Chammar” – cobbler caste, he has been deprived of basic needs. His father works as a carpenter, earning Rs. 5000/- a month ($100/month), while his mother, a 5th grade drop-out, is unemployed. They live in a 10x10 feet room or “kholi” in Dharavi – the biggest slum in India. Dharavi is an extremely tough area to grow up in, with children being subjected to violence, physical and emotional abuse and crime.

Mewsic Centre activities provided Devesh an escape and place to build something positive in his life. This talented young child loves his keyboard classes so much that he finished learning 5 songs and 12 major scales in only a matter of weeks.
Currently studying in the 6th grade in Saint Kakkaya Municipal School, in Dharavi, Devesh displays a love for languages and art, which is popular throughout the school. His teachers say he works hard to master all his lessons and looks forward to learning new ones. He even helps the other students during the practice sessions.

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